BWAHAHAHAHA! A supporter of Trust Fund Donnie telling Cruz to "grow up."
A supporter of the guy who compared Ben Carson to a child molester.
A supporter of the guy who called Cruz "a really nasty guy" that "no one likes" a few weeks after effusively singing his praises.
A supporter of the guy who chickened out of a debate because big bad old Megyn Kelly was mean to him.
A supporter of the guy who goes on Twitter rants like a 13 year old girl.
A supporter of the guy who cried about Ted Cruz saying he was for single payer for the highly unfair reason that he said on multiple occasions he was for single payer.
A supporter of the sore loser who whined like a little bitch when he got outworked in Iowa by Cruz and who cried for a do-over.
A supporter of the comprehensive fraud that is Donald Trump who has a decades-long history of supporting left-wing causes and donating to left-wing politicians.
Endorsements? What a joke. If endorsements mattered so goddamned much Cruz would've gotten clobbered in Iowa - he had the 57 term governor saying "vote for anyone but Cruz!" And gee, Trust Fund Donnie had Saint Sarah by his side, didn't he...when all Ted had was dumb old Glenn Beck?
Let ME edit YOU:
"I got duped by a guy who has turned out to be not only a liberal but highly unstable. I got so excited when he was saying politically incorrect things about illegal immigrants that I neglected to study his past expressed positions or really learn anything about him. But now I'm so emotionally invested that I'm going to justify every loony crybaby utterance he makes, no matter how incoherent, petulant or just plain moronic it might be, and every 180 degree turnaround from views previously expressed."
"I'm going to keep telling myself he's something he's not, because to admit to myself that he's little more than a Rockefeller Republican conman - to the extent he's a Republican or has a coherent political philosophy at all - would be too devastating and require too much introspection."
There. Happy to edit that for you. No charge.
Read it again. Lying Cruz will not carry another state. Ever wonder why not the first sitting US senator has endorsed him?