Most Conservatives will vote for Trump or Cruz if nominated. That includes me. I live in a moderate Republican/Independent area and most of the people I come in contact with hate Trump and think Cruz is crazy. Maybe you need to look back at the 90’s and realize the disaster Hillary would be. Nobody in the White House could be worse than Clinton: the sequel. And do some of us really think Romney would have been worse than Obama? It's not possible. At least Romney loves his country. The Democrats will be united because they know their candidate will be Obama part two. They HATE every single Republican candidate. There's a reason for that.
>>Most Conservatives will vote for Trump or Cruz if nominated. That includes me.
Me too. Neither is a “hold my nose and vote” candidate so I will support either with gusto. I will even hold my nose and vote for Rubio or Carson, maybe even Fiorina. If the Dem is Hillary, then I will vote for anyone who runs against her. If the Dem is Bernie, then I would chose him over Bush because, if Bush and Bernie are the best we can do, then this nation deserves to Bern.