I wish the Trump-Cruz pi$$ing contest would cease and they would both go after Hillary and Sanders. If Sanders has young people excited about voting for Socialism our nation is in BIG trouble.
CRuz needs to stop with the sleazy tactics. No one will put up with this cr@p much longer.
Maybe Carson could get a second wind. He has got, I am ashamed to say, a better gospel sense than Cruz does. Only this is going to be able to show that Santa Claus really is stealing the toys from us in the first place, whereas God actually gives.
I wish the Trump-Cruz pi$$ing contest would cease and they would both go after Hillary and Sanders. If Sanders has young people excited about voting for Socialism our nation is in BIG trouble.
Here, Here! Someone should ask Sanders about how he views the bail in program to pay for his pie in the sky schemes? What if we start going Greece. How about the move to the cashless society?
How about the fact that in Davos the participants there decided that Trump should not be the nominee. Shades of Taylor Caldwell and the “little gnomes of Switzerland.”