Yeah, well, maybe this will motivate them to the polls. Might not be what Cruz wants, but hey, voting can be an important action.
A ‘vote shaming’ mailer from Cruz followed by a ‘mailer shaming’ campaign from Trump.
The cow patties are flying.
Ronald Reagan compared politics to prostitution and when the Establishment took him out at the GOP Convention in 1976 Reagan said it was like ‘the world with its pants down’.
I sensed this coming weeks ago and needless to say its political porn, so I won’t look at it or worry about it.
I happen to support Cruz and sent him my money. I will send him more in the coming days. I don’t hate Trump and would support him if he doesn’t go RINO on us with a running mate.
I need to find something else to care about like the federal land control in Oregon and the dispute there.
On Tuesday, a protestor was shot to death when a group of protestors were stopped to be arrested and charged by the FBI.
Why don’t we care about someone’s “life” and someone’s “liberty” and someone’s ‘pursuit of happiness” all of which are being infringed in Oregon and other western states by federal control of the land?
Trump and Cruz should both have their backsides out there right now.
What a doche