God I can’t wait for Monday night when you idiots get slammed. It is going to be a beautiful thing. I will be laughing all night. It may end up being the most important decision that Americans have ever made. Sending Cruz back to his government job and his paid vacation over. Lord I can’t wait.
God I canât wait for Monday night when you idiots get slammed. It is going to be a beautiful thing. I will be laughing all night. It may end up being the most important decision that Americans have ever made. Sending Cruz back to his government job and his paid vacation over. Lord I canât wait.
Right On!..His government job is a paid vacation..
Laughing yet? I’m just raking your coals a bit. I read that you’re Navy so I hope you’ll take in good humor. Honestly, that’s how it’s meant. Some of us warned you about trusting the polls in a caucus contest. Your guy’s probably going to carry New Hampshire and from there we’ll see how he does in the southern tier. The real enemy is whoever the Democrats nominate so I’m hoping the intramural insults cease and the fight can take on a tone that will allow a unified fight against them in November.