Just hunt up the Percy Sutton interview, an interview that shows Talal is probably the one who greased the skids to get Obola into Harvard Law and, most likely, paid for Obolaa’s education there. Then fast forward to the 2008 election when Talal owned about seven percent of News Corp. Remember how Fox News never attempted to bring Obola down then and never reported the really damaging facts about Oboala. IMHO they were in the can for Obola because of Talal’s interest in News Corp.
Thanks for the info. It is better to keep the Saudis at a safe distance—polite but with caution. They ate muslims and not our friends as we are seeing. They are playing us, pretending to be friends while sizing us up for the jihad.
We became to close to the Saudis because of their oil and I believe that we saw them as quaint and backwards people who were not a threat but over the years as they have become exceedingly rich they used their wealth to spread the dangerous Wahabi ideology all over the world. The ideology is the source of terrorism.