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We’ve Got The Transcript!!! Of Fox News #GOPDebate Without @RealDonaldTrump
Hillary Is 44 ^ | 1/27/16 | Hillary Blogger

Posted on 01/27/2016 8:04:32 PM PST by Amntn

We've Got The Transcript!!! Of Fox News #GOPDebate Without @RealDonaldTrump Update: Open thread: Trump versus O'Reilly. Actions speak louder than words. Trump is fearless going on O'Reilly. Why would anyone spin the line that Trump is somehow "afraid" of Megyn Kelly?

Trump is on Fox News to attack Fox News! Make Fox News Great Again??? Who else would dare pull out of a debate a few days away from a close contest in Iowa then attack Fox News on Fox News?

Trump has announced his appearance at Drake University for wounded veterans which will air opposite the #2 #GOPDebate.


We've obtained the transcript of the next GOP debate before Iowa votes via special powers which include but are not limited to witchcraft, channeling, and crystal balls - all conducted with special exemptions provided us by Iowa evangelicals so we are clear on the satanism charge.

After the transcript we will provide analysis, as only we can, of what it all means. Here's the transcript of the Fox News GOP Debate this Thursday without Donald Trump:

First question from Megyn Kelly: Our first question goes to all the candidates, take as much time as you wish on this one. Our question is "How bad is Donald Trump? Is Donald Trump afraid of me? Is it worse that Donald Trump is a coward who is afraid of me, as my friend Michael Moore believes, or is it that he is just plain evil and wants to destroy this wonderful Fox News which we all know is fair and balanced, or is Donald Trump a monster created from radioactive materials??? Take your time to explore all these possibilities, candidates. We'll start with the great man Donald Trump declared to be "low energy" the wonderful scion of the Jeb family, Jeb!"

Jeb Bush: Thank you Megyn Kelly, you are wonderful. Yes, everything you "asked" about Donald Trump is true. Donald Trump is evil. He mocked me as "low energy" even though my mother and all my friends know I drink Red Bull and am a real powerhouse. Yes, Donald Trump is evil, but the real evil is Marco Rubio. You know Marco Rubio is a liar and a back-stabber...

Megyn Kelly: This is not about little Marco Rubio and his big lies. I only want to know how bad Donald Trump is.

Jeb Bush: Megyn, Donald Trump is bad, but Marco Rubio is afraid of me because I am now #2 in New Hampshire. We all know Donald Trump is going to win in Iowa and New Hampshire so this race is now about who will be #2 and I am a real #2.

Marco Rubio: You are a real #2 Jeb, every time I go to the bathroom I think of you. But the ultimate #2 is Ted Cruz, that slimy liar who lies about everything. Ted Cruz pretends he is against amnesty for illegal immigrants but he is lying about this just as he is lying about TPP and liar Cruz...

Megyn Kelly: Stick to the topic! How bad is Donald Trump, Ted Cruz?

Ted Cruz: Oh, Megyn. Thank you to Fox News for holding this fair and balanced debate in fair and balanced Iowa with all the wonderful people of Iowa here and I could not be happier with the people of Iowa and the wonderful opportunity to be with the people of Iowa and you Megyn. Megyn, Donald Trump is evil. He hates you because you are beautiful and desirable. But Donald Trump hates the people of Iowa because he won't come here and bring up the ratings for this debate. Megyn as you know, because you are well informed and wonderful, I have challenged Donald Trump to a one on one debate...

Chris Christie: Yeah, right, Ted. Donald said he'll debate you in Canada you scumbag...

Megyn Kelly: This is about how bad Donald Trump is. Stick to the issues. We have a young and attractive illegal immigrant and a young and attractive proud Muslim woman waiting in the wings to attack Trump so let's keep this show moving.

Rand Paul: Megyn, Megyn, can I respond? Can I respond? I never get a chance to respond. But now with Donald Trump hanging out with wounded warriors I get a chance. Can I respond? Can I respond?

Megyn Kelly: Go ahead Ron, respond. Tell us how bad Donald Trump is.

Rand Paul: Megyn, Megyn, back when I had a chance to win Iowa I warned the nation against Trump. Now I am rock bottom so let me try to kick up. Trump is bad. But you know who is really bad. Marco Rubio is really bad. Marco is...

Megyn Kelly: This is about how bad Trump is not that sniveling little high-heeled ex-con. How bad is Trump?

Ben Carson: I too was once on top until Donald Trump made fun of me. I once was a sturgeon. I mean I once was a surgeon and a wannabee president until Trump beat me up. That all I have to say except that we should all be wonderful and I have a wonderful wife and you are wonderful too Kelly Megyn.

Jeb Bush: Let's not forget how bad Marco Rubio is.

Marco Rubio: It's time for a new generation of leadership. Everyone is tired of the Bushes and the Clintons. But we need someone from the new generation who is wonderful, like me. We don't need liars like Ted Cruz...

Ted Cruz: Donald Trump is bad.

Chris Christie: You're worst you lying Canadian.

Ted Cruz: You're fat!

Marco Rubio: But you're a fat liar TED.

Jeb Bush: You're short you little high heeled twerp with the arrest record.

Megyn Kelly: Let's bring on the Muslim woman to tell Iowa how bad Donald Trump is, and you are all forbidden to mention Islamic terrorism....

The debate goes downhill from there. We won't bore you with the rest of the transcript.

Now for some analysis.

As we have discussed before, we believe Trump is in a win/win/win/ and we'll add an additional "win", position in this fight. Trump's fight with Fox News is a much needed push back against Big Media. For too long Big Media has polluted, not informed, our campaigns and debates. Big Media personalities inject their manufactured "personalities" into everything as if Americans care a whit about them.

Donald Trump demonstrates great strength, not by talking, but by doing. Trump's fight against his strongest opponent, which is Fox News and the interests Fox News represents (such as illegal immigration amnesty and protection of powerful elites such as the Bush clan) is a display of power. Trump has Fox News on the ropes, bleeding:

Trump's Debate Boycott Throws Fox News Into Chaos

Tonight, Donald Trump's months-long war with Fox News entered a chaotic and -- for both sides -- perilous new phase when Trump called Roger Ailes's bluff and announced he was boycotting Fox's debate to protest Megyn Kelly's aggressive coverage of his campaign. Instead, Trump said he would host his own Iowa town hall to raise money for veterans and let other networks cover it. One clear sign of the gravity of tonight's development is the sense of confusion that is swirling throughout Fox. The network is split between Kelly's allies like Brit Hume and conservative anchors that are furious that Kelly -- who graces the cover of Vanity Fair this month -- has become the face of the network. An anchor fumed that Kelly hosted Michael Moore on her program tonight and the lefty filmmaker defended her against Trump. "That would be like Rachel Maddow laughing along with Charles Koch as he trashed Hillary Clinton!" the anchor said. One producer speculated that Fox could go "National Review" on Trump and start attacking him.

For Trump, the political risks are obvious: His absence from the Fox stage just four days before the Iowa Caucus provides his rivals with a prime-time platform to tee off on him with no chance for him to fire back. For Ailes, the risks are less immediate, but potentially as consequential to maintaining his power. No matter how loudly GOP candidates complained about Fox's loutish politics in private, none risked taking Ailes on in public for fear of losing access to this crucial constituency -- until Trump, that is. Even if Trump's boycott backfires, he's already achieved a historic victory: exploding the myth that a Republican candidate can't openly challenge Fox.

Trump fights Big Media and demonstrates not only self-respect, but strategic/tactical savvy and a powerful sense of leadership as well. Trump has taken a huge risk but the rewards are great as well.

But the risks are not as bad as portrayed by many in Big Media. As our "transcript" reveals most of the conventional analysis about the candidates attacking Trump at the debate is quite misguided. Remember that joke against lawyers being chased by the wild animal? One lawyer puts on her running shoes and the other lawyer says "you can't outrun" the animal. The other lawyer responds "I don't have to outrun the animal, I have to outrun you."

That's what will happen in the Fox News debate. There will be obligatory attacks against Trump - but LESS attacks than if Trump were there. If Trump appeared at the debate he would, as the leader of the race in every state including Iowa, be under relentless attack. Trump would also bring millions of eyeballs and ears to hear others attack him. It makes no sense for Trump to boost ratings for a show that will trash him.

Most importantly, after each candidate lobs a nasty remark against Trump they will take advantage of the additional time to take down their real opponent. Jeb Bush's real opponent now is Marco Rubio. Marco Rubio's real opponent now is Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz's real opponent now is Donald Trump so he will attack Donald Trump but that will come at the expense of defenselessness against the ceaseless attacks against him from Marco Rubio. Who wins as every candidate tries to outrun the other candidate? Trump. Trump - not shaken, but stirred up to fight.

It is Fox News that is shaken to the foundations. Fox News and Fox Business are waging a campaign of unfair and unbalanced coverage to try to destroy Trump. They try to say Trump is "hiding" and "afraid". The problem with those charges is that his very persona proves that Trump is courageous and fearless and certainly does run away from any fight. It is Fox News that attacks out of fear:

And while the network appears to be publicly siding with Kelly, who is still set to moderate Thursday's debate, the network is also reportedly trying to privately plead with Trump the best way they know how - through the women in his life.

Joe Scarborough, who has a close relationship with many people at Fox News, revealed on Morning Joe Wednesday morning that Fox News CEO Roger Ailes had been trying to contact both Ivanka and Melania Trump hoping they could convince Trump to change his mind, but that Trump would only speak to Rupert Murdoch.

Trump may be able to address some of these issues and claims Wednesday night as he is set to appear on Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor.

Think about that: Donald Trump is going on Fox News to attack Fox News!!! Donald Trump is going on Fox News to attack Fox News. And Fox News is too weak to do anything about it other than undermine their "fair and balanced" slogan with 24/7 "unfair and unbalanced" coverage.

With an ordinary candidate in an ordinary election, Fox News would be in a strong position, able to attack the candidate 24/7. But Donald J. Trump is anything but an ordinary candidate in an ordinary election. Fox News attacks Trump, but Trump is not limited to Fox News.

Every other network that will not cover the Fox News debate, in other words, every other network, will love the counter-programming that Donald Trump provides. Not only do other networks get to bash Fox News. The other networks get a ratings bonanza with coverage of Trump and the wounded warriors. The wounded warriors win. Trump wins. The other networks win. Fox News loses.

Ted Cruz is the only one that can make a claim that Trump's absence profits him. That's why Ted Cruz has been everywhere mocking Trump. No one believes Cruz when he says Trump is afraid. No one believes Ted Cruz when he claims that his attacks are on behalf of the wonderful people of Iowa. The only Cruz attack that resonated with the attention hungry Iowa GOP was his demand that Trump debate him one-on-one. Pity that with one Tweet, Trump stomped Cruz:

Donald Trump would be happy to debate Ted Cruz "mano-a-mano." Or as they might say in some parts of Canada, "tête-à-tête."

Trump on Thursday answered Ted Cruz's call for a "mano-a-mano" Lincoln-Douglas debate with yet another retort about the Texas senator's Canadian origins.

"Even though I beat him in the first six debates, especially the last one, Ted Cruz wants to debate me again. Can we do it in Canada?" he tweeted.

The Republican National Committee banned as moderators NRO and NBC because of their bias. Yet the RNC does nothing to block Megyn Kelly who demonstrates her bias against a candidate every day. At the very least Megyn Kelly should recuse herself and not make herself the story. This is supposed to be about the voters, right?

Doesn't Fox News have any other "personality"? Fox News has plenty of tough anchors and smart women (Martha MacCallum, Harris Faulkner for instance) that can moderate a debate and not bring the same problems as Kelly Megyn or Megyn Kelly what every she's called (h/t to Stump for Trump girls)?

The hope at Fox News is that Trump will be universally attacked from the right. Ain't happenin':

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, meanwhile, sided with Trump on the dispute. "Fox News was acting like they had been jilted at the altar," Limbaugh said on Wednesday.

Nobody since the Kennedy family has had such an outsize influence on the media, Limbaugh mused to listeners. And the Kennedys "are pikers compared to the way Trump is doing this," he added.

"Screw the rules, he's saying," Limbaugh remarked, according to a transcript, talking through Trump's reasoning. "Why should I willingly give them another shot at me in a circumstance they control, why should I do it? What's the sense in it for me? I'm leading; I'm running the pack here; why in the world should I put myself in that circumstance? I've already seen what's gonna happen."

Limbaugh is not alone on the right in his defense of Trump as Breitbart weighs in with the Fox News agenda:

The Anti-Trump Network: Fox News Money Flows into Open Borders Group

At a press event Tuesday evening, Trump seemed to cite disparate treatment from the network as his reasoning for not participating. "What's wrong over there, something's wrong," Trump said of the "games" Roger Ailes and the network are "playing."

In asking the question of "what's wrong over there?" Trump has shined a spotlight on one of Washington's best kept secrets: namely, Fox's role via its founder Rupert Murdoch in pushing an open borders agenda. The Trump campaign is a direct threat to Murdoch's efforts to open America's borders. Well-concealed from virtually all reporting on Fox's treatment of Trump is the fact that Murdoch is the co-chair of what is arguably one of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms in country, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE).

In addition to blanketing the country, media, and politicians with literature, advertisements, and a barrage of lobbyists pushing for open border immigration policies, the Partnership for A New American Economy (PNAE) was a prime lobbyist for one of the biggest open borders pushes in American history: Sen. Marco Rubio's 2013 Gang of Eight immigration bill.

The trap was set for Donald Trump. Pretty and young Muslim, pretty and young illegal immigrant, the designated official attack dogs for Fox News to take down Trump:

"We have a presidential candidate whose loudest message reeks of hatred and Islamophobia... turning on the news now is scary, and oftentimes, humiliating," the Muslim woman, Nabela Noor, says in a December YouTube video.

She admits to becoming a Muslim political activist amid the growing criticism of Islam's doctrines. "The current social environment for Muslims today is not safe or just... as a Muslim American, I felt like I needed to use my voice," she claimed.

Noor also urged her YouTube viewers to rally against critics of Islam. "I'm so thankful for those who speak up and out against anti-Islamic speech and ideologies. Our community needs more allies like you, but we have a long way to go," she said.

This Nabela Noor was to be an official questioner, in other words a Fox News attack dog against Trump. Trump dodged the trap. Dulce Candy, or sweet candy, was the illegal immigrant prepped by Fox News to snarl at Trump. Now Dulce and Nabela can attack the other candidates.

Little wonder then that before Trump left the building, Megyn Kelly Tweeted "This race will look totally different, I promise, on Friday than it does today." The trap was set, but the wily fox escaped.

Pat Buchanan, from the right too, defends Trump:

Buchanan said, "He's got a perfect right to drop out of the debate. They baited him, they taunted him and they disrespected him in a mock news release and he simply decided--look if that's the way you are going to treat me go ahead have your debate and I'm not attending. I mean you got a perfect right to do that. CNBC I think has been dropped out of a debate because of the handling by the moderators. National Review has been dropped out of a debate after it launched an all out attack on Trump. And so Trump responds and says I'm not going to be in the debate. I think he's made the right decision from his standpoint and I hope he stands by it."

Trump? A new poll from Iowa:

Another Iowa poll shows Trump keeps his lead in the Hawkeye - Monmouth University: Trump 30, Cruz 23, Rubio 16, Carson 10, Bush 4

Trump is in the lead everywhere. Trump fought as we suggested he should with a boycott of the Fox News debate. Instead of Bernie Sanders, we'll see honorable wounded warriors.

In New Hampshire Jeb Bush has crawled to #2. It's a fix folks. It's either Bush or Trump. And Trump is #1 pissing on #2.

At the debate the #2s will be #2ing each other. It's a dog eat dog world for the second slot at the Fox News GOP debate. #1 Trump won't be with the #2s. Trump has other things to do - like win.

TOPICS: News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: debate; fox; kelly; trump
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To: Amntn

Hillary is not 44

Unless you referring to her butt circumference,

21 posted on 01/27/2016 8:33:50 PM PST by BenLurkin (The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
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To: dschapin

I’m not doubting you but I didn’t put it there.

I don’t even know how to put something in breaking news.

22 posted on 01/27/2016 8:35:03 PM PST by Amntn ("The only special interest not being served by our government is the American people" - Donald Trump)
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To: Amntn; nopardons; MinuteGal; flaglady47; RoosterRedux; RitaOK; hoosiermama; Jane Long; V K Lee; ...

PLEASE HELP me out here everyone:

ON DRUDGE: Trump announces veterans charity event to air on CNN ...


Trump and Fox at war: Neither side is backing down

23 posted on 01/27/2016 8:35:07 PM PST by onyx
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To: Amntn

I thought the transcript of the debate was hilarious. And probably not far from truth.

24 posted on 01/27/2016 8:36:20 PM PST by DouglasKC
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To: MarMema

Yes, BLOODY KELLY had Michael Moore on last night and she was flirting with him, smiling at him, holding hands with him; it was DISGUSTING !

25 posted on 01/27/2016 8:37:12 PM PST by nopardons
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To: Amntn

I am not doubting you either. Have a good evening.

26 posted on 01/27/2016 8:38:08 PM PST by dschapin
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To: Amntn

A good question for Rand Paul would be why it’s okay for him to skip the last debate but it’s not okay for Trump to skip this debate?

27 posted on 01/27/2016 8:39:26 PM PST by Vic S
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To: Amntn


Someone has a great sense of humor, at that site :)

28 posted on 01/27/2016 8:39:37 PM PST by Jane Long (Go Trump, go! Make America Safe Again :)
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To: Vic S

That’s an excellent question for Pander Paul.

29 posted on 01/27/2016 8:41:01 PM PST by Jane Long (Go Trump, go! Make America Safe Again :)
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To: onyx

I don’t see that headline on Drudge now. Maybe it’s taken off.

30 posted on 01/27/2016 9:08:08 PM PST by CottonBall
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To: Amntn

Rename the Blog, Hillary steps in front of a .44...

31 posted on 01/27/2016 9:11:27 PM PST by Kickass Conservative (Get the CDS and TDS Vaccines before it's too late.)
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To: dschapin

Neither are you, breaking news. Your neck speed, maybe, but not “news”.

It’s news to us, and it is breaking on FR first, perhaps.

32 posted on 01/27/2016 9:28:36 PM PST by RitaOK ( VIVA CRISTO REY / Public education is the farm team for more Marxists coming)
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To: Amntn

Where was Rinse Prius the GOP RNC chairman to make sure the hosting network Fox treated of all people the GOP frontrunner and likely nominee fairly?

The media has taken out our best like Herman Cain, Nute Gingrich before and the RNC did nothing. Why even have an RNC, why give them money. They certainly only cared to make Donald J. Trump sign a Loyalty pledge. Loyalty goes both ways in my book. RNC is a POS. Not worth writing a check to any more.

33 posted on 01/27/2016 9:34:21 PM PST by Zenjitsuman (A)
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To: Zenjitsuman

“Rinse Prius”

That’s funny right there.

34 posted on 01/27/2016 9:43:44 PM PST by Lower55
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To: Girlene

The military will take anyone who is a legal resident of the US. A person doesn’t need to be a citizen. They can have a green card.

The advantage for someone to go in the military who is a legal resident but wants to become a citizen is they get fast tracked for citizenship when they get out of the service as long as they keep their nose clean. Even some misdemeanors can cause them to be deported permanently during this fast track time. There are many veterans living in Mexico who have been caught in this web because obummer is trying to use as many people with any kind of record to boost the numbers of deported criminals. While true in fact it does not honor the spirit of the law.

I’m adamantly against illegal immigration but as a vet myself I respect those who volunteer to serve and try to become a citizen the legal way. It’s a hard path which proves their commitment in my opinion.

35 posted on 01/28/2016 1:37:50 AM PST by Boomer (Liberal Propaganda is like visual/audio Meth. It ruins the mind and rots the teeth.)
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To: Amntn

Or the debate could be substantive and informative leaving Donald to answer questions beyond his level of expertise. If Trump is convinced that he is doing the right thing by skipping the party scheduled event then why hold a competing event of his own? He is hurting the Republican Party more than Fox News. Which shows he is not a Republican.

36 posted on 01/28/2016 3:00:52 AM PST by Mike Darancette (Obama Rules of Engagement: Hands up Don't Shoot)
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To: onyx

The debate is a Republican sponsered event covered by Fox News so the Republicans are the ones that look bad. Maybe some state Republican parties should cancel Trump’s participation in their primaries.

37 posted on 01/28/2016 3:13:30 AM PST by Mike Darancette (Obama Rules of Engagement: Hands up Don't Shoot)
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To: Mike Darancette

That’s an excellent way to break the GOP in two. The GOP must accept that Trump is very popular and opposing him will only empower him more.

Mike Darancette: Maybe some state Republican parties should cancel Trump’s participation in their primaries.

38 posted on 01/28/2016 3:20:55 AM PST by VitacoreVision
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To: Mike Darancette

TRUMP’S event is a go!

Fox News is so BUSTED!

39 posted on 01/28/2016 3:21:57 AM PST by onyx (PLEASE MAKE YOUR DONATION TODAY - GO MONTHLY - JOIN CLUB 300!)
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To: onyx

No the GOP is so busted.

40 posted on 01/28/2016 3:29:57 AM PST by Mike Darancette (Obama Rules of Engagement: Hands up Don't Shoot)
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