I agree with Levin. The mask is coming off of Donald Trump and underneath his mask Trump is a bigger liberal than even Jeb Bush.
a more narcissistic one too.
I know you are not into heroics, but Giuliani would endorse TRUMP over Cruz. Said Cruz will cost Republicans the entire NE, from Pennsylvania upward, and lose the West from California to Oregon, that TRUMP will get the Reagan Democrats and that he knows a black Labor guy, bit Democrat, in NYC, who said he was voting TRUMP and that he will get a surprising number of the black vote, and the Latino vote.
This is stuff Republicans now days can only dream of.
So many of my idols have fallen in the light of exposure to Donald Trump. Cal Thomas, Megyn Kelly, Britt Hume, Charles Krauthammer, Katy Pavlich, Fox News., and now Mark Levin. Trump's light shines in dark places and what was a safe hidey hole is no longer.
These debates are a joke...for any network. Sort of like watching the Academy Awards. All hype and glitter with no substance. Both should be turned off. (I do).