Yeah quite a hobson’s choice you lay out there: going with the full blown dem or the right of center GOP candidate who wants to stop illegal immigration, deport illegals here, pro second amendment, against stupid trade deals, and one who loves the country and will do what is needed to defend it. Does he have some warts, yup, just less than the other GOP candidates. Let me put it this way, if Trump is not nominated (and Cruz is not also), I am sitting this one out. I have broken my back getting elected a string of GOPe candidates and ended up with the same old garbage: put me in or keep me in and things will be different. At least Trump is paying for his own far. IOW, he is not spending other peoples money who expect what in return, a bumper sticker??
So you plan to sit the election out if Trump or Cruz are not nominated? If everyone thinks like that say hello to the criminal president Hillary Clinton, or the socialist Bernie Sanders who wants to raise our taxes.