It’s amazing really. The hubris. Though I’d like to think that even if The Beast wins IA and NH - once these things are released, if they’re damning, the people will flock from her.
The question is, would they ever be released. This should be Page 1 news everywhere! What could possibly be the reason for withholding the emails if all was/is kosher.
Wonder who appointed the Judge?
In the sick, sad world that we live in, the press will play it up as a victory for Hillary if she can delay the release until after Iowa and New Hampshire, as if that is all that really matters.
This Woman is SO CURRUPT, how in the hell can ANYONE with just half a brain possibly vote for her as POTUS, OMG this is EXACTLY why the people are so fed up, only the ELITE do not have to follow the law!!!! Or of course Republicans MUST ALWAYS follow the law!!!
You don't want to pi$$ off the Queen...or someone who thinks she's the queen.
If Hillary did nothing wrong, WHY NOT SEE THE EMAILS NOW?!
The Xlinton motto:
Deley, Delay, Delay, until the crime goes away.
for later
If some second rate peon at NSA or CIA kept classified at home, all would be immediately confiscated, there would be a trial, the person would be in jail. Period.
Why does this witch get special treatment?
Oh, sorry, I forget. She’s part of the political elite, the establishment. She’s better than us. She’s above it all.
Just enough to make a person puke.
Hillary’s cough will transform into a major medical issue.
Bill will celebrate with a cigar and his energizer bunny.
Everyone will feel sorry for Hitlery, and she will skate