I am so disgusted with so many on this board and the Trump supporters in general. All you people have NO idea the liberal you are supporting. Talk about "talking the political talk". Bill Clinton did the same thing.
Trump is a bombastic, clueless, narcissistic, loose cannon that has no idea what the Constitution of the United States says nor its original intent. He doesn't even understand the differences between the 3 branches of Fegov - witnessed by how he's going to supposedly restore America on his own,. He reminds me of loud-mouth punks in my school days who would over-talk others to sound important.
Trump is our new Perot. "Well, I'm just going to fix things", said Perot, and handed the election BillyBoy. You people are being sucked in by his simple rhetoric. If Hillary gets the nomination she will destroy Trump in debates because she is an experienced liar, parser, spinner, denier, and knows how to avoid a question by changing the subject. Trump can only interject so many times before Hillary starts spouting back. Trump will just stand there with his pouty little mouth and wonder why he's not back on Celebrity Apprentice.
WTF is wrong with you people? Trump is now showing his liberal roots as he has had through his life. I swear if he's the nominee, I would sooner not vote and let Hillary take us further down the road to absolute socialism and possibly cause a revolt. You people are giving another liberal the Oval Office if he wins. Pfft, glad I'm heading towards end days. I've had enough of dumbass voters both left and right.
You wouldn’t vote to try to block the commies? Now that is disappointing. I can remember when we fought the commies with real bullets. Now we have one sitting in the WH and two more competing for the democrat primary.
I just posted this to someone else:
Trump may not be a star conservative and is not my first choice, but neither was Bush, Dole, McCain, Romney, et al.
But I crawled over broken glass to vote for them against the commies.
Defeatism sickens me.