“...The reason you bear the burden of persuasion...”
Bull Butter!! Are you *seriously* asserting that Trump did *not* initially say he was in favor of assault rifle bans; That Trump did *not* say that he supported abortion? That Trump did *not* say that he supported the Kelo decision? Need I go on with his history? And then just today, are you *seriously* asserting that Trump did *not* say he was reaching out to the party establishment to cut deals with them (not that he had any interest in fighting them); That Trump did *not* say that he preferred the big fed-govt over the states?
Seriously? It’s *my* burden of proof to prove what Trump himself has said? Believe it or not, *I* don’t speak for him... I truly don’t.
So those are not *my* words and I’m not seeking to convince anyone. I’m just amused at the hypocracy and how many ways Trump supporters can twist logic and reason to cover for his own statements and positions. All I’m doing is repeating *Trumps* words and positions that he has held. If you don’t like it, your argument is with Trump, not me. The fact he enjoys the cult of personality that surrounds him does not change his words, now does it? But it sure says something about his supporters though, does it not?
Like I said, how can Trump supporters *NOT* trust their own eyes and ears each time he (consistently) demonstrates his “NYC-Values” center-left political philosophy? It’s what he grew up with. It’s what he knows best. It is what he consistently demonstrates as his *FIRST INSTINCT* when asked about a given issue. We should not be surprised at it, yet Trump supporters rationalize it away here on FR daily - illogically or otherwise - in order to make peace with themselves, I guess. That’s ya’lls burden to bear, not mine.
Bottom line - in order to have a discussion, it requires the Trump side at least *pretend* to be intellectually honest. Clearly, you would rather avoid that conversation. It’s not my burden of proof to provide provenance of Trumps very own, *well-known* words and positions. If you want to deny the obvious, there is nothing anyone could do to penetrate that “Trump-Criticism-Burka” you guys have tightly wrapped around your heads.
Good luck with your candidate. I await his next center-left position that he reveals every few days (if he stays true to form) and how you guys will rationalize it.
Such sublime eloquence!