I agree completely. However, I think there a deeper contributing problems to illegal immigration and illegal governance that promotes illegal immigration. For instance, and I think you see the same thing, our birth rate is below the replacement rate. This creates a vacuum in our welfare state/consumer and debt based economy. It also creates recruitment problems and military policies that deploy an army to recover a snowflake like Bowe Bergdahl and spends 850,000 to 1,400,000 to deploy 1 11B downrange for 1 year.
Whoever wins the election better figure out how to get more natural born American mothers to naturally breed some more natural born American children instead of trying to get through Ranger School or UDT. Otherwise we are going to get overrun like Germany.
A country of 312 million can man a standing Army of 500,000 without any problem. If we had a shortage of labor wages would be gong up. They are going DOWN! There is no demographic problem.