“As for illegal immigration, Trump pledges to deport the 11 million illegals here in the United States, a herculean administrative and logistical task beyond the capacity of the federal government.”
That is as far as I needed to read.
So, whoever NR endorses, we know straight away that that candidate is opposed to deportation of illegals, otherwise, NR could not bless them.
Who will get their nod? Cruz? Will Cruz refuse their endorsement because he supports (supposedly) amnesty? We know that the rest support amnesty. Maybe that is why Rubio came out for amnesty Sunday; he is working with NR?
It will be either Trump or the Democrat nominee, PERIOD. Obviously the GOP would prefer Hillary or Sanders, over Trump. They don’t want to win. They just want to maintain the status quo. The government tit is rich and crony capitalists pay very well.
“So, whoever NR endorses, we know straight away that that candidate is opposed to deportation of illegals, otherwise, NR could not bless them.”
That’s one of the main reasons I quit my subscription to NR back in the early ‘90s. California was already being overrun by illegals and the quislings at National Review were on their side.