The Trump phenomenon is not new. The movement is nothing more than a different version (American) of what happened in Germany in the 1930s. In the American version, the cause is just, the problems real, but the chosen solution, a delusion, and the “hero”, a fanciful graven image hewn out in the imagination of “The True Believers”.
What we are seeing with Trump is a nationalistic populist movement sucking in a lot of good patriotic people. People better figure Trump out pretty quick or we will be in more trouble than we are already in. Trump is no true conservative, but for a few slip-ups that betray him, he could get an Oscar for his performance. This is no more than 1930s and 2008 populism déjà vu in a completely different cloak. Trump is using the modus operandi described in Eric Hoffer’s 1951 book, “The True Believer” - Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements. Trump has found a void and has created a cult following. He is taking legitimate issues and concerns and using them to generate a fanatical mass movement of “True Believers” — intoxicated Trumpaholics, and Trump is their cult leader. There is no way to talk to many of them; their minds have been snatched. Many will not realize the fantasy until it all falls down. History repeats. It is déjà vu all over again.
You are not moored to reality. There are no words. Seek help