Ethanol keeps farming profitable. Bad things happen when farming becomes unprofitable.
I know....
It might be nice to have our oil producers be profitable too. That industry is crashing right now. It also supplies jobs and national security. More demand would help them out.
Through government you pick winners and losers. It is whomever has the best lobbiest and on goes the sewers of Washington. How about letting us consumers decide what we want to buy?
You talk about depression era laws to help farmers, that was the biggest business that employed the most people back then. Not anymore. Not even close. Things change.
Screw the small farmer. You heard it here first on FR. Because Trump.
Government mandate to burn our food in a way that destroys small engines, damages regular engines, weakens fuel economy with delivering a lower BTU product at the pump and costs more to produce than the worth is extracted when used.
Stop selling Ag products for about 30 days and see what happens. Look what happened in the USSR when the landowners were purged and Ag was deemed the enemy there.
Ethanol keeps Archer Daniels Midland profitable.
So you also support Obamacare, subsidies to Solyndra, wind farms, solar, electric cars, sugar, etc., am I right? You know, when a venture is unprofitable, it is either because no one wants to buy the product at what it costs for it to be profitable, or it is because there are too many people making/providing it and flooding the market. The solution is not for the government to force people to buy it - it is for the market forces to winnow the field so that the the unprofitable businesses either change or get out of the business.
Market forces keeps farming profitable.
Subsidies (regardless if ethanol, sugar, milk, etc.) make whores of farmers and the taxpayers the dupes