If you have a moment, please share the link below with your PC friends and family. The Alienork Way is a new (free) short story that I just wrote. It is a cautionary tale about the mortal peril that Islam poses to civilization, and especially to P.C. civilizations that are too blind to understand the terrible danger of allowing even friendly-appearing Alienorks to move into their country. But it doesn't name Islam, so there is a chance that your liberal bliss-ninny friends will read it. Then, they will understand. The Alienork Way is also a great teaching tool for kids 12 and up, to counter the PC lies they are being fed at school about "the religion of peace."
Here is the link to "The Alienork Way"
Tet, Take Two: Islam's 2016 European Offensive
Thank you, Matt.
Your writings are always a pleasure to read.
Keep on writing and posting.
You have a knack of saying what most of us are thinking.
Excellent. Will check it t out tomorrow. Thanks for the link.
Thank you. I would love to see them make a movie out of this cautionary tale.