Jimmy Carter was a Sunday School teacher...and look at his results.
Exactly. It’s pretty clear some people want a Pastor in Chief as POTUS and that clouds their decision making process.
No, we want leaders who fear and respect GOD from which all our rights are granted. Afar as I know, there are no clergy or anyone else campaigning for Pastor in Chief. But there are a few campaigning for POTUS who could humble themselves a bit more.
If making decisions without prayer for guidance is your angle, then George Washington should never have been allowed to lead and pray for this nation. Some of us still believe our rights are god-given, not government-given. And our Judeo-Christian values are as important today as then.
But pride has been the downfall of man and the enabler of sin throughout the ages. As a nation, if we would humble ourselves before GOD and pray for his blessing, HE will rise up godly, not prideful, men to lead us. HE has given us free-will to choose. Choose wisely because you will reap what you sow.