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"You want to assess who stands with Wall Street? Then look at the actual records of the candidates," Cruz added. "Donald Trump vocally and enthusiastically supported TARP, the bailout of the big banks. He vocally and enthusiastically supported Barack Obama's stimulus plan."
1 posted on 01/18/2016 2:33:22 PM PST by Isara
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To: Isara

Presidential Candidates Comparison (Cruz vs. Trump)

Please click on the dots for more details on the ratings of the candidates.

green = Good, RED = Bad, yellow = Mixed Ted Cruz Donald Trump
Budget, Spending & Debt green yellow
Civil Liberties green RED
Education green green
Energy & Environment green green
Foreign Policy & Defense green green
Free Market yellow RED
Health Care & Entitlements green RED
Immigration green green
Moral Issues green yellow
Second Amendment green yellow
Taxes, Economy & Trade green yellow

More at Conservative Review:

2 posted on 01/18/2016 2:33:59 PM PST by Isara
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To: Isara

Hey Teddy this was tried back in August. Replowing old ground...didn’t work.

5 posted on 01/18/2016 2:36:27 PM PST by Red Steel (Ted Cruz: 'I'm a Big Fan of Donald Trump')
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To: Isara

7 posted on 01/18/2016 2:36:44 PM PST by South40 ("One of the reasons I like Ted Cruz so much, is that he's not controversial," ~Donald Trump)
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To: Isara

Did Mary Matalin and her husband tell Cruz to say this?

9 posted on 01/18/2016 2:37:00 PM PST by Aria (Abortion = murder, the taking of a human life.)
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To: Isara

Cruz attacks Trump on policy positions. Trump acts like the wrestling promoter he is.

11 posted on 01/18/2016 2:38:05 PM PST by conservativejoy (Pray Hard, Work Hard, Trust God ...We Can Elect Ted Cruz)
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To: Isara

Donald Trump cozied up to the democrats in Atlantic City to disposes Vera Coking of her home to build a parking lot for limos.

15 posted on 01/18/2016 2:42:21 PM PST by outofsalt ( If history teaches us anything it's that history rarely teaches us anything.)
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To: Isara

So if all this is true, then why did Cruz pal up with Trump last summer, say nothing for months, and allow Trump to take a monster lead in the race?

So either Trump isn’t Satan, or Cruz has terrible judgement.

17 posted on 01/18/2016 2:44:57 PM PST by VanDeKoik
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To: Isara

Before 2015 Trump has supported every position except conservative ones. He’s a New York, open borders, globalist, progressive. He’s saying what he’s saying now so conservatives will vote for him. Period.

Cruz is conservative to his core.

21 posted on 01/18/2016 2:48:48 PM PST by demshateGod (Trump: We will have to leave borders behind a go for global unity)
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To: Isara

Trump is an American. Cruz is a closet Canadian.

24 posted on 01/18/2016 2:50:52 PM PST by r_barton ("Trump" word origin "Triumph" - Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
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To: Isara

-— Donald Trump vocally and enthusiastically supported TARP, the bailout of the big banks. He vocally and enthusiastically supported Barack Obama’s stimulus plan.” -—

And he contributed to pro-abortion Democraps for almost 20 years.

Expose the fraud, Ted.

What have these guys been waiting for?

30 posted on 01/18/2016 2:52:43 PM PST by St_Thomas_Aquinas (Isaiah 22:22, Matthew 16:19, Revelation 3:7)
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To: Isara

Ted Cruz, (R)-Goldman Sachs

37 posted on 01/18/2016 2:57:07 PM PST by gg188
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To: Isara
In between stints as Wall Street bank executive (at JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs), Mrs. Cruz advised GWB on TARP. The Cruz's are owned by GS.

45 posted on 01/18/2016 3:00:25 PM PST by gg188
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To: Isara

Donald Trump has signed the front of a lot of paychecks and provided employment for a lot of Americans. He is what made this country great, a CAPITALIST practicing CAPITALISM.

All Cruz has done, like a typical politician, is feed from the public trough and spend OUR money. We have enough of his type, there are a dime a dozen. Anyone can spend other peoples money.

Those that can do, those that can’t pass another law or make another worthless speech.

48 posted on 01/18/2016 3:02:57 PM PST by r_barton ("Trump" word origin "Triumph" - Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
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To: Isara


By Kelleigh Nelson
December 8, 2015

Heidi Cruz and the North American Union/Security and Prosperity Partnership

In the Council on Foreign Relations’ Task Force Report, Building a North American Community, guess who is listed as a Task Force member? None other than Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz. It states:

HEIDI S. CRUZ is an energy investment banker with Merrill Lynch in Houston, Texas. She served in the Bush White House under CFR member, Dr. Condoleezza Rice as the Economic Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council, as the Director of the Latin America Office at the U.S. Treasury Department, and as Special Assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, U.S. Trade Representative. Prior to government service, Ms. Cruz was an investment banker with J.P. Morgan in New York City.

Zoellick was also the Chairman of Goldman Sachs’s International Advisors, and co-chair of CFR’s independent task force report. Zoellick was also the 11th President of the World Bank Group.

Today, Heidi Cruz is the head of the Southwest Region in the Investment Management Division of Goldman, Sachs & Co. She has taken time off to assist her husband in his campaign for president. About Goldman Sachs... President Obama’s top donor in 2008 was Goldman Sachs, and in 2009, Obama bailed out Wall Street. Goldman Sachs ranks dead last for reputation, and according to the Free Beacon, is the second largest corporate donor to Hillary Clinton.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) calls the NAU, the North American Community. In reality, it is the joining of Canada, America and Mexico into one big super state, just as Europe was joined into one big European union. Quite obviously, Donald Trump’s comments about illegal criminal aliens has jeopardized the plan that has been in the works since 2006, and even before. The global elite, through the direct operations of Bush and his administration are responsible.

Robert Pastor, a CFR director and key architect in creation of the NAU, said in the January/February 2004 issue of Foreign Affairs magazine: “NAFTA was merely the first draft of an economic constitution for North America.” He further called on the North American Community to:

• Merge “immigration and refugee policies”
• Establish a continental NAU “security perimeter”
• Transfer $100 billion to Mexico in 10 years for “infrastructure development”
• Create Security and Prosperity Partnership institutions to execute executive, legislative and judicial powers
• Create a North American passport.

Pastor also called the current concept of “sovereignty” obsolete and said U.S., Canadian, and Mexican citizens need to be “reeducated” to view themselves as “North Americans.”

Although Ted Cruz has stated that Heidi was only involved with the Task Force as a dissenting voice, her own written words tell the truth:

In the last part of the Task Force’s report, “Additional and Dissenting Views,” Heidi S. Cruz wrote (pp. 33-34):

“I support the Task Force report and its recommendations aimed at building a safer and more prosperous North America. Economic prosperity and a world safe from terrorism and other security threats are no doubt inextricably linked. While governments play an invaluable role in both regards, we must emphasize the imperative that economic investment be led and perpetuated by the private sector. There is no force proven like the market for aligning incentives, sourcing capital, and producing results like financial markets and profit-making businesses. This is simply necessary to sustain a higher living standard for the poorest among us—truly the measure of our success. As such, investment funds and financing mechanisms should be deemed attractive instruments by those committing the capital and should only be developed in conjunction with market participants.”

Now you know why, despite his blustering against Obama’s executive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens in this country, on March 27, 2015, Ted Cruz indicated he “remains open to a path to legal status for undocumented workers.”

The Power Players Behind Cruz

Stephen Moore of Heritage Foundation, Club for Growth, WSJ, and now Freedomworks fame was named as an original advisor to Cruz. Moore and his cohort, Arthur Laffer, who is on the Board of Scholars of pro-Constitutional Convention American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), both endorse the Rand Paul and Ted Cruz proposed evil Value Added Tax (VAT) and Flat Tax Programs. Moore and Laffer wrote that Paul and Cruz’s flat tax proposals were the best candidate tax plans.

In their article, they are much more open about the fact that the Paul and Cruz’s tax plan does include a VAT, a point that Paul and Cruz never mention. A VAT tax is particularly evil because of the hidden way the tax is applied, which makes it difficult for the citizenry to understand how much they are being taxed. The Economic Policy Journal of November 26, 2015, exposes this entire plan.

Chad Sweet is campaign chairman. Sweet is the co-founder of the security-focused Chertoff Group, a group he started with Michael Chertoff after serving as his chief of staff. Sweet is a former investment advisor for Goldman Sachs, the same company where Cruz’s wife, Heidi, is Vice President. Remember Michael Chertoff? He was the US Secretary of Homeland Security under George W. Bush, and he co-authored that wonderful USA Patriot Act. The Act has had several federal courts rule portions of it as unconstitutional. [Link]

Jeff Roe is campaign manager. Roe is the founder of the Kansas City-based consulting group Axiom Strategies and has worked on a host of congressional races. He also worked for the presidential campaigns of pro-Constitutional Convention, Mike Huckabee in 2008, and Rick Perry in 2012, where he worked as a consultant. Remember Perry was the governor who attended the 2007 Istanbul, Turkey Bilderberger Conference. He also doubled Texas’ spending from 49 billion to 90 billion. His involvement with the Trans-Texas Corridor infuriated Texas citizens, and the toll roads he allowed in Texas raised taxes on the citizens by billions.

Jason Miller is senior communications adviser. He was the deputy communications director on the liberal leaning former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 presidential campaign. He has worked on House and Senate races for members including Rep. Darrell Issa of California who voted for the USA Patriot Act and creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Miller also worked for former Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma who is another proponent of a Constitutional Convention.

Rick Tyler is a national spokesman. Tyler, a longtime spokesman for former House Speaker and Council on Foreign Relations member, Newt Gingrich, joined Cruz’s political arm in February. If you’ll remember, Gingrich is a Heidi and Alvin Toffler’ Third Waver. He does not believe in property rights, and wants to eliminate the Constitution. If you’ve forgotten Newt’s voting record, which included voting to eliminate the 2nd amendment a la the United Nations, here is a two part article about Newt.

Victoria Coates is senior foreign policy adviser. She is Cruz’s national security adviser in the Senate, a high-profile role given Cruz’s focus on promoting a hawkish foreign policy. She has also advised Perry and served as an aide to Council on Foreign Relations member and former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. Victoria Coates writes for Council for National Policy member, Erick Erickson’s Red State, as well as the Weekly Standard. Old line neo-conservative establishment bureaucrats are Cruz’s advisors.

Coffee with Kissinger

One would think Raphael Cruz would inform his son about Soviet Agent Kissinger, but apparently that was not the case. Senator Ted Cruz uploaded this image to his official Facebook page on January 29th of himself having coffee with Henry Kissinger, with the tagline, “Honored to share a few moments with Dr. Kissinger and hear his thoughts on the challenges facing our nation.”

Cruz undoubtedly would agree with Kissinger on trade. He says in the below video that he is for “fast tracking” trade agreements and supports Obama doing same. Apparently Cruz cares little about American jobs, and even less about American sovereignty.

Since running for President, Cruz has backed away from his support of Obama’s trade agreements because he found out the American people do not want to lose more jobs and our American sovereignty. This is called “covering your ass.”

Four Super Pacs Raise $31 Million for Cruz

Keep the Promise is the name shared by four super PACs, which reportedly have already raised at least $31 million for Cruz. The very wealthy Mercer family of New York — Robert and Diana, and their daughter Rebekah — are reportedly backing one of the PACs. Hedge fund magnate, Robert Mercer alone was the fourth largest individual donor in the 2014 cycle, according to Open Secrets. Mercer is a major financial supporter of the 2016 presidential campaign of Ted Cruz, contributing $11 million to a super PAC associated with the candidate.

Mercer has given $750,000 to the infamous Club for Growth (CfG). In my article, Why The GOP Establishment Hates Donald Trump, I exposed CfG partners and allies include the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Peterson is chairman emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations and former chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Another ally is the US Chamber of Commerce, who is so behind the invasion of illegal aliens on our southern borders.

65 posted on 01/18/2016 3:13:24 PM PST by HarleyLady27 (.."THE FORCE AWAKENS"!!! TRUMP; TRUMP;TRUMP;TRUMP 100%....)
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To: Isara

Desperation is an ugly thing to watch.

The Don and the Cruz played their cards very well up until now. They set up political pick and rolls for each other and over shadowed the field.

Now, a couple of weeks before the Iowa kick off the gloves are coming off as we knew it would and Cruz is trying blitzkrieg the Trump positions and Trump is stiff arming him.

My opinion Cruz is losing. Trump is winning. Trump can remain positive and uplifting while Cruz feels he must go negative. Not an enviable position and nobody feels good about it.

70 posted on 01/18/2016 3:15:51 PM PST by Fhios (Just say no to the apostrophe on FR.)
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To: Isara

“You want to assess who stands with Wall Street? Then look at the actual records of the candidates,” Cruz added. “Donald Trump vocally and enthusiastically supported TARP, the bailout of the big banks. He vocally and enthusiastically supported Barack Obama’s stimulus plan.”

Absolutely. We should look at the record. One candidate here has campaigned for Barack Obama and one has not. I’ll go with the guy who did not cast U. S. Senate votes in support of Barack Obama’s trade agenda. Then lie to us about it for a month before switching his vote at the last minute when passage was guaranteed.

76 posted on 01/18/2016 3:20:41 PM PST by lodi90
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To: Isara

Don’t confuse people with the facts Isara! :P

111 posted on 01/18/2016 4:42:22 PM PST by erod (Chicago Conservative | Cruz or Lose!)
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To: Isara

Has Trump blasted Cruz’s ties to homosexuals?

128 posted on 01/18/2016 5:05:53 PM PST by MayflowerMadam (Bless the beasts and the children, for in this world they have no voice... they have no choice)
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To: Isara

Trump does seem rattled right now ... almost to the point of mania.

I used to like his bombast when it was directed at illegal aliens, ISIS, or Obama but now he seems to be thinking about Cruz a little too obsessively.

168 posted on 01/18/2016 9:28:23 PM PST by altura (Cruz for our country)
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To: Isara

Can’t we all just get along?

213 posted on 01/19/2016 6:39:06 AM PST by DungeonMaster
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