What a phony baloney loser Trump is. Yes I pray he asks Jesus into his life, but only the weakest Christians will fall for his lies.
Wait just a minute, Loser? ask Jesus into his life? weakest Christians will fall for his lies?
Look, I realize you dislike Donald Trump and that is fine. Please support your candidate and good luck. However Trump is no loser, not in the material sense of the word, or business sense. He’s taken his inheritance and raised it astronomically. That is not the definition of a loser.
As for asking Jesus into his life, he says he has, so I as well as you must take him at his word. Unless of course you have a gift that allows you to peer into the hearts of men and women you’ve never met.
And finally the weak Christian comment came off as condescending and belittling, not to mention self-righteous.
Please dislike Donald Trump, please campaign against him, support his rivals, donate to the candidate of your choice but when you attack Trump, on threads like this one, please do so with substantive rebuttals. Not the attack you just used. Thanks. No need to respond unless you want the last word.
I know Trump is Not A Christian, I know Obama and Clintons are not Christian.
I know Ted Cruz is a Christian and none of that is judging period.
“As for asking Jesus into his life, he says he has, so I as well as you must take him at his word.”
It would be icing on the cake if Trump were a born-again Christian. Maybe he is; maybe he isn’t. (Personally, I doubt if he is, but there’s always hope.)
In America, it doesn’t matter. The Founding Fathers specifically excluded anything faith-based as a requirement for President — or any other federal office, for that matter. They kicked around the idea of a state church as some of the states, e.g., Massachusetts, seemed to be heading in that direction, IIRC.
If we hire/elect a man who is tough enough to save the Constitution, then freedom of religion will be rescued for all of us, whatever our religion (or lack thereof). Trump appears to be extremely strong and not susceptible to buckling under pressure and that’s what we need now.