The NewYawk Value Boy was played like a 3 string banjo and needs to learn how to debate a real debater that uses REAL words in full sentences and not just quarter sentences.
Of course, The NewYawk Value Boy does not want to confuse his tribe of followers by using BIG words so the only big word he uses is YUGE.
Wow! Your angst is felt to a broad range of states that went Obama in the last election - as you put it basis their values: Maryland (which just elected a Republican governor), Florida, Virginia et al.
Basis their Presidential voting records, one could say Maryland values or Virginia values or even Pennsylvania values or whatever.
Cruz is digging himself a national hole as he tries to save himself in IA. And the more he digs the hole the more shrill become his followers.
I thought this was a Presidential election underway. Cruz is still generally unknown, but the developing 'known' things are all bad to winning an election and you are not helping his cause.