He voted for TPA.
He voted for Paul Ryan as speaker.
On two of those he's got some 'splainin to do.
TPA is not necessarily the GOPe vote some would have it seem. He, like Cruz, might believe that there is no chance any trade deal negotiated by Commander Xero would pass this year and that therefore it would likely be up to a likely conservative President (Trump or Cruz for example) to renegotiate.
I believe the GOP wants TPP (TPA) so badly that they have rolled over and greased up for Obama for the last 6 years...their first Congressional Majority under his term.
The Republicans have been paid for years to ensure TPP at all costs. And Immigration reform, putting illegals on the books.
Obama has received enormous favor in return.
Any GOP POTUS candidate will sign a TPP deal except for maybe Trump. He'll likely send it back for renegotiation if for no other reason than to save face.
But the Congressional Republicans will be pushing hard, in spite of the overwhelming opposition in both parties.
I expect the POTUS to propose and Ryan/McConnell to place on the floor a vote for TPP before the election.
Yes, they are so filled with hubris as to be evil.