To: navymom1; mongrel
I emailed a few of mongrel's posts to the Trump campaign, no need to call.
I am sure Trump's lawyers will address Mongrel's concerns right away.
Trump's lawyers are always quick to respond to libel.
145 posted on
01/14/2016 6:19:36 AM PST by
(Long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light - John Milton, Paradise Lost)
To: RoosterRedux
As Ted Cruz said in his humorous audition for joining the cast of the "Simpsons", EXCELLENT!!
Ted was damn good too!
148 posted on
01/14/2016 6:20:34 AM PST by
(Islam is the ENEMY of all civilized people. Obama is a Muslim. What's that tell ya?!?)
To: RoosterRedux
That’s great that you contacted Trump for me so he could get in front of this concern by others that he is mentally ill! I hope they get ahead of this thing. We wouldn’t want it to hurt him down the road.
151 posted on
01/14/2016 6:22:05 AM PST by
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