I have no idea what he is saying.
As always, he is muted. For the past seven years I have muted the Marxist-in-chief whenever he appears, and I have the Obamunist muted now.
Leftists will think, “oh, you’re just another racist.”
Au contraire.
I don’t mute Zero because he is black — I mute him because he is a Marxist. While I do have a bone to pick with all of the blacks who voted for him purely because he is black, since that should be reprehensible no matter what race one is, the people who I most despise, the ones for whom I hold the highest contempt, are affluent white Marxists.
Those are the people who I would gleefully let die in the street, for whom I would toast their demise with a smile, and, my Catholic upbringing notwithstanding, would accept whatever judgment God had in store for me afterwards.
- The people who consider $25k in property taxes reasonable — not just for themselves, but for everyone.
- The people who might look down on Pennylvanians like me for our gun laws and cultural differences but who *despise* us for our low taxes that make their states look bad.
- The people who would gladly take away my right to speak my mind, to defend myself against an attacker, or to hear ideas that they find objectionable.
- The people who would anonymously tell me, “you will not survive the revolution.”
I expect blacks who are poor to vote for whoever will give them free stuff and/or who will — albeit implicitly — promise reparations for slavery. The affluent white Marxists, however, who have no qualms about harming others in the name of feeling good about themselves, those are persona non grata to me in the literal sense. If one was drowning, I would refuse to save him.
Yeah, I've had this Mullah bastard on mute for the past 30 minutes or more! I'm sitting here enjoying observing that Ryan is not clapping whatsoever for the Mullah. And I still haven't seen wabbling felonious pig Hillary. She's locked herself in a closet after being quizzed on live tv yesterday about the illegal donations to the clinton foundation! In that interview, she had the look of a deer caught in the headlights! Oh - -I see Biden standing and clapping / as Ryan calmly remains seated - -hahaha.