When you strip everything away, that is the problem.
With modern mobility this issue is getting worse not better. Its actually great if you are a globalist.
The fight used to be conservative vs. liberal. The real fight is globalist vs. nationalist. No borders, no culture, no country. If you don’t fight for a country, what are you conserving?
And that is my point. As of yet, from last night through this morning, no supporter of Sen. Cruz can answer the question, or perhaps they are unwilling to answer it, to wit: Queen Noor of Jordan has admitted that she never formally renounced her American citizenship. She gave birth to princelings. Did she confer NBC to this Arab Princes? According to some of the logic on this board, she did confer NBC. So that means, once those princes fulfill their residency requirements, they are very much eligible to run for US President because they are Natural Born Citizens of the United States.
If the supporters of Sen. Cruz wish to avoid the above question, then I know that they are intellectually dis-honest. Don’t go there with personal attacks on myself or Trump. This is a constitutional question. No cut and paste full page answers.
Yes or no, if Sen Cruz is qualified because of NBC, so too are the Arab Princes of Queen Noor.