Posted on 01/08/2016 7:59:04 AM PST by mandaladon
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidates are spending long days on the campaign trail and their nights in a succession of budget hotels, often in small towns. Not Donald Trump.
After nearly every rally, the billionaire real estate developer hops into one of his planes or helicopters and returns to New York so that he can sleep in his own bed in his marble-and-gold-furnished Trump Tower apartment in Manhattan.
In November and December, Trump held six rallies in Iowa, visited a local production plant and held one town hall, flying home each night. His nearest rival for the Republican nomination, Ted Cruz, has zigzagged around the state, holding around a dozen town halls and twice as many "meet-and-greet" sessions, and bedding down between stops in hotels.
Trump's determination to sleep at home every night raises eyebrows among election campaign veterans, who say it could cost him. Voters in Iowa and New Hampshire often want more personal attention; they feel they play a special role in choosing presidential nominees because their contests are held first.
Trump leads in polls in New Hampshire but he has slipped behind Cruz in Iowa. Cruz has done what U.S. presidential candidates typically do: He has made the state a virtual second home in the run-up to Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucus.
This week Cruz is crisscrossing the state in a bus, cruising through small hamlets with stops at a pizza place, coffee house and even a water park.
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All his kids are so good looking! I guess choosing models for wives helps.
We have a boat with a very comfortable master berth. I’ve fixed it just like I like it and am there quite a bit.
The first night there I really don’t sleep even though it is MY bed. Guess it is just the change in locations.
No kidding.
That’s it.
Liberals can never understand anyone with power, money and influence who doesn’t cheat on their spouse.
They believe everyone shares their low morals.
Of course very few liberals have a Melania waiting at home.
Meeting voters one-on-one is meaningless and will not secure a win. There is no way to physically meet in person, one-on-one, enough voters to win.
Trump’s determination to sleep at home every night raises eyebrows among election campaign veterans, who say it could cost him.
I’d like to know who the hell are these “campaign veterans” and what is the logic of this silly claim. Did they do a poll of who someone would vote for based on if they sleep in their own bed?
Hell, if I had a 757 and a Citation X, I’d sleep at home too. Who doesn’t like their own home best of all?
I’ve known some very rich people. Only the very rich, yet very kind, people can help us. It is wrong to hate the rich. The rich can help the rest of us if they are good people. The Obamas and the Clintons are not good people and only want to “get theirs.” Class envy doesn’t do one thing for us, Every poorer person would gladly be rich.
A jet has a bedroom doesn’t always mean a quiet or smooth night.
I can’t ever get a good sleep on a jet, even while flying First Class internationally. . .with the lie-flat seats and small mattress and sheets and such. . .(Emirates Airlines has the best first class I have flown).
No kidding. Talk about a reach.
Waste of travel time?
Not a big deal if you control your schedule.
Not if you value time at home over time on the road.
I wonder if it isn’t cheaper for him to sleep in his own bed. Considering if he stayed at a holiday inn, he’d have to pay for security personnel and their lodgings, mess up other tourists comfort due to whatever security issues in a hotel. So I think it is cheaper for him to sleep in his own bed....unless he brings his bed with him...
Could well be. He already has the aircraft, so it’s basically the cost of fuel. Saves the cost of putting up the flight crew and staff in hotel rooms.
But it is a big waste of travel time.
When you’ve got a Citation X you travel at Mach 0.935 (about 700 mph). Much of the country is just a few hours away.
Wow. . .found it on Google Maps and. . . .wow.
The Donald's first marriage to Ivana ended once the tabloids started reporting his affair with Marla Maples.
If that’s true, why were you bragging that he met more people one on one than anybody?
But I don’t think shaking hands with people on a rope line exactly qualifies as meeting “voters one on one.”
Of course you don’t.
Color us ALL surprised, with that one ;-)
Because other candidates have sat down to dinner with every single attendee, at their, er, gatherings. LOL.
But when his jet is stationary (on the ground), Trump could stay in it instead of hotel.
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