It must me a lot more enjoyable to run when you dont have to spend all your time begging people for money, which I know ALL canidates hate.
His rallies, IMO, get better each time, even though it’s a little bit of “what’s in the news today,” followed with the usual listing of “his poll numbers”, then to the same thing over and over about “Carl Icahn taking care of China”, and the senior retired female soldier who was “raped, sodomized etc.”) and of course throw in that, “dirty rotton traiter, Bergdahl.” I say this because I can’t wait for the next rally, when 50% of it is the same thing. It makes you wonder, “Why does the media continue to carry this man’s rallies live.” Clearly it’s not to promote the guy, as they seldom if ever pan the crowd. So, it must be to catch him saying something that can be passed around the next day for media fodder, or to see him throw a protester out on his ear.
It’s amazing, it really is, but to me it makes sense. Why not run our governments, (emphasis on the “s”), like we do our businesses? Bill Clinton, if working at a company, would have been fired on the spot for his behavior. Ryan, McConnell and the rest fired by a company’s Board of Directors.
In short, we’re seeing a major change developing in the political landscape of this country, and the pundits, the writers, the people whom over the years we’ve admired...don’t get it. Why?