Trump praised all of the legislation from the bench!
You are good at BS all right. I await the citations so they can be critically appraised. You already have been weaseling away from your assertion anyhow in preparation for when I catch you, you can say you were saying that all the time and then act all super sophisticated again, in an attempt to pound in that aluminum-foil nail.
Boy you are transparent.
And you can hang that on Cruz’s Christmas tree and light it.
(Sotto voce: what a maroon of a persona, but I want to see just how illogical it gets and how hotly it defends the indefensible.)
Or you could admit the truth: that you (whoever is behind that persona) have been weaving the most amazing skein of BS just to get giggles out of it. If I play that game too long with someone, I might just inadvertently validate it rather than prove to be the reductio ad absurdam I hoped to be. So if you REALLY TRULY insist, you’ll “win.” What you’ll win, you’ve been warned about.
And doing it in the Lord’s name really isn’t all that marvelously clever. If you had chosen something lesser to blaspheme, you might have passed muster. But not this.