Gov. Greg Abbott as Vice President
Department of State, (return INS.) Newt Gingrich
Department of Justice, Rep. Steve King
Department of Treasury, (includes former Homeland Security - Customs) Carl Icahn (Offered and Accepted)
Department of War, (change the name back.) Include former VA function Gen. James Mattis
Department of Interior, (includes the legitimate functions only of former Dept. of Transportation, Dept. of Homeland Security - Border Patrol, and Energy Departments) Gov. Sarah Palin
Department of Labor and Commerce, Herman Cain
This proposed model has the President directly managing seven subordinates which is optimal.
Department of Education William J. Bennett in a Temporary position
as it will be ELIMINATED as proposed by The Donald, 9/23/15 at a Columbia, SC Town Hall with Sen. Tim Scott.
Department of Homeland Security ELIMINATE
Department of Energy ELIMINATE
Department of Health and Human Services ELIMINATE
Department of Housing and Urban Development ELIMINATE
Department of Veterans Affairs ELIMINATE
Department of Agriculture ELIMINATE
Department of Transportation ELIMINATE
On Fox news Sunday, 10/18/15 Trump said he would cut funding for EPA and Dept. of Ed.
In non-cabinet level jobs
Gen. Peter Pace as National Security Adviser
LTC Ralph Peters as Director of National Intelligence (NDI)
Sheriff Clarke should be FBI Director
Michelle Bachman as IRS Commissioner under Secretary Carl Icahn in Treasury
Admiral James A. Ace Lyons as Undersecretary of War Navy Branch.
LTC Allen West as Undersecretary of War Army Branch.
Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney as Undersecretary of War Air Force Branch.
Ted Nugent as Undersecretary of Interior
Diamond Hardaway and Rochelle Silk
Richardson would be great as President Trumps Co-Press Secretaries.
Marsha Blackburn, Speaker of the House
Ted Cruz as Senate Majority Leader.
Combine EPA, DOE, Interior and B-of-LM and call it the Depart of Natural Resource Utilization ( drive the lib's crazy ). Downsize it's mgt by 75%, and force a review of all regs of the last 20 yrs for their cost effectiveness and duplication across the former branches. Bring in the Rand Corp to assist in streamlining.
It's new Director, Sarah Palin...
Oh yes, Sec Def, Allan West....
Impressive! Nice to see Ralph Peters
Allen West
Rom McInerney
names in the mix.
Have a great deal of respect for these people.