After McDaniel won more primary votes than Cochran, a run-off was needed. The GOPe through the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee (NRSCC), where Ted Cruz was a vice-chair member, then paid Democrats to vote in the runoff to aid Cochran.
The racist attack ads, in combination with the intentional voter fraud, was the most visible and divisive tactic in modern republican history. The GOPe behavior showed how they would do anything to remain in power, A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G!
“GOPe candidate Senator Thad Cochran -vs- Conservative, grassroots candidate Chris McDaniel was the exemplification of elitist republican arrogance against the grassroots electorate of the party.”
That can’t be stressed enough.
I hope you’re not attributing that fraud in MS to Cruz.
"After McDaniel won more primary votes than Cochran, a run-off was needed. The GOPe through the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee (NRSCC), where Ted Cruz was a vice-chair member, then paid Democrats to vote in the runoff to aid Cochran."
Thank you for this post. Some people who didn’t follow the hellish spectacle of a runoff in Mississippi evidently think nobody knew about the fraud and illegalities until after Cochran ‘won.’ From Day One of the runoff the DC Cartel went all out with the dirtiest of dirty tactics. They did it in full view of any interested party. It would have been nice to have someone stand up to Washington and the Capital Cronies, as Cruz claims he will. But no one did.
McDaniel was outspent and massively outgunned. He never stood a chance.
I keep saying: “I have no doubt in my mind that Trump will take Iowa and landslide right into the Oval Office” ....
This was one of the most brilliant moves I have ever seen on GOPe...we dare you!!!
Well, there were only two dead bodies after all the votes were counted. The senator was able to marry the woman with whom he had not been romantically involved, and everyone left alive lived happily ever after.
Read article and compare picture of gentleman mentioned with video. He was certainly making sure he was seen without being obvious or obnoxious
Thank God, Trump is up on the MS debacle. It was theft in plain sight and I will personally never get past the level of betrayal.
Trump's not-so-subtle shot across the GOP-e bow of having Chris McDaniels' attorney, Mitch Tyner, fully visible behind him.
...which reminds me...!
How ‘bout,
“R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Take care ... TCB
Sock it to me, Sock it to me, Sock it to me, Sock it to me”
“I’m in LOVE, L-O-V-E...!”
Hehehehehehe. You have to love Trump. GO TRUMP GO
Thanks for this!
So the team that helped Tea Party McDaniels is now working for Trump in MS. And the anti-Trumps on this site want to maintain that Trump is a democrat. Poor anti-Trumps. Poor, poor anti-Trumps.
Tyner’s face in the crowd was not brilliant strategy, it was happenstance. Sundance’s buttkissing and repetitiveness is starting to get annoying.
Ping for tomorrow...thank you...looks like an eye opener!
Once again Sundance is right on! If Cruz let this happen while he was vice chair, without at least speaking out against it, then he is not worth anything more than Rubio to me.
Extremely important must-read article.
I think you have Cruz mixed up with the wrong committee. He was on the Senate Conservative Republicans Committee but it was not this group. Very confusing, but Ted was not on this committee. There are two with similar acronyms. Ted was not on this one.
From Ted Cruz Gets a Boost in Mississippi From a Tea Party Stalwart
Mr. McDaniel his state co-chairman in Mississippi, hoping to tap the large conservative grass-roots movement that propelled Mr. McDaniel to a near victory in the Republican Senate primary last year.
"He's the pre-eminent conservative in this country," Mr. McDaniel said of Mr. Cruz in an interview.