The Oklahoma City Bombing took the wind out of any official investigation into Waco. Officially explained as having happened in retaliation for Waco, blamed on gunowners and militia groups, the bombing not only dampened zeal for taking the agencies responsible for Waco to task, it also was spun in the media to vilify Constitutionalists, militia members, gun owners, and people who were concerned in general with government excess as dangerous potential terrorists in the public mind. The backlash against gunowners (even thought the weapon involved was not a firearm) was significant enough that the Assault Weapons Ban repeal effort stalled in its tracks.
The media used this, even then the Ministry of Propaganda, to put a serious damper on opposition to government--something which gave the Clintons considerably more freedom to conduct bid'ness as usual.
Ruby Ridge did have some repercussions, largely due to Gerry Spence taking the case for Randy Weaver pro bono, and not only defeating charges, but winning large settlements for the survivors of the incident.
However, in neither case were government agents taken to task, either in court or in official actions within their respective agencies.
And the fastest death sentence carried out in forever !