But these are just isolated incidents, YEARS apart, and if we overreact to these, WE are the ones who look like the bad guys.
We are totally on the same side on OTrauma and his lawless occupying army, right?
That said, I am just plain NOT WITH THIS. Here's why:
I think there's a tipping point, where OTrauma just starts going full-Stalin. I don't think we are there yet, notice how delicately he's treading on his gun control Executive Order tomorrow. It's basically a tiny measure -- proported to be background checks if the seller sells 25 guns a year -- and he had his people research it for MONTHS before deciding to proceed.
Comes a time he won't be so careful or delicate. That's when we know the balloon went up.
That, or any electric or communication grid-down scenario. Either of those.
This particular deal is just unwise.
No. It isn’t wise. It isn’t the right time. These aren’t the right folks to back.
And they never will be. There will always be doubt. Cross-talk. Misinformation. Provacateurs. Not a lot, just enough to keep the doubt there...
We’re done. It’s over...
“”I don’t think we are there yet, notice how delicately he’s treading on his gun control Executive Order tomorrow. It’s basically a tiny measure — proported to be background checks if the seller sells 25 guns a year — and he had his people research it for MONTHS before deciding to proceed. “”
I don’t personally know of anybody whose sells 25 guns a year that isn’t a licensed FFL dealer. I’m not even sure how you would track it without making all sales go through a dealer and disallow all private sales. Without knowing who already has what how would they know a sale has even taken place. I’m curious as to the wording and the details.