It mean that if Trump does falter (and that's a big IF), Cruz stands to be the new frontrunner - keeping the GOPe well in the distance.
And what about Jebbie's big comeback? I don't see any indications of it here. He's even trailing Rand Paul!
Yes. Really informative as the first choice respondents mirror almost exactly the WND poll. We’ve been through the exercise before that your continual harping on 1st/2nd choices combined means nothing. At this point, Cruz is nothing more the new Carson, assuming the mantle as the non-establishment Trump alternative. We’ll see how many more times you oost that graphic over the next dew days....
Only “more informative” because it suits your needs. I have told you before that the “second choice” is highly misleading because it is predicated on too many “what ifs.” Go with first choice please. Ted’s getting crushed.