Imagine having job openings here in the USA for persons who ‘know how to properly cane a person’ ???
Sharia Law—which Hillary supports.
It is not all that tough to imagine, actually. Practice (and science) makes perfect.
If hanging is a guide, there were huge advances between 1840 and 1870 because public morality demanded it.
At the beginning of that era, hanging were done as they had been done hundreds of years before-- short drops from a cart, horse, ladder, or pushing the convict off a specially built scaffold, about the only innovation in the previous several centuries.
By the end of the era, those hanged were afforded the dignity of hoods, final statements, preachers, scientifically calculated long drops eliminating slow strangulation and even hymns sung by a sympathetic audience to prepare the convict to meet their makers.
There is no reason whatsoever to expect that training caners would take even that long given the wealth of data and experience available from Singapore to shorten our learning curve.