Limbaugh On Hillary Being Late For Debate: Where Are Her Medical Records!
Rush Limbaugh via Youtube ^ | 12/23/2015 | Rush Limbaugh
Posted on 12/23/2015, 8:56:28 AM by GilGil
Rush is echoing something I have been wondering about for several months now. Hillary does not look like she is in very good health. She looks zombie-like or like she is heavily sedated.
Trump released his medical records and made a big deal out of it. I think it is because he is going after Hillary on her health. She will not release her records and that will create a bigger and bigger issue. This is a very serious problem if the president of the US cannot control her bladder for less than 2 hours. Could be the sign of other health very serious health issues.
Obama and Bubba never released theirs either