For much of 8 years (including time following his presidency) we heard about the The Bush Doctrine.
The Obamadoctrine from DAY 1 was pro-Islamist. He took an election victory lap through the Middle East (leaving his burqaless wife at home, she joined him safely in Europe). Gaddafi even told Libyans that Obama is a muslim; perception is truth as Obama says.
The Arab Spring was really an Islamist takeover that we aided with guns and air support (and other coordination?). Notice that Obama and the State Department did NOT aid the democracy reformers in Iran.
Funny coincidence .... the Egyptian foreign minister told Egyptian TV news that Obama told him the same thing!
But wait a minute .... JugEars and Mooch went around for years telling black people that Obama was actually born in Mombasa, Kenya. They kept telling that around after Bobby Rush beat JugEars's butt in a congressional contest for Rush's Chicagoland seat; Rush went around dissing JugEars as an "Oreo" and a "tan man" with a Harvard sheepskin, a "house Negro" in a three-piece suit, a tool of The Man. IOW, Obama wasn't "black enough", not "down with the struggle" like ordinary people. But if Obama were born in Mombasa, with Luo relatives who were "down with the struggle" in the Mau-Mau, then suddenly Obama could be "black enough".
The Obamas told that Mombasa canard right up until the beginning of 2006, when they pulled it and simply swallowed it. A Honolulu paper printed it in a story about Tammy Duckworth, a Chicago Democrat who'd gone to school with Obama in Hawaii (she was a disabled veteran [and possible lesbian] sponsored by Sen. Dick Durbin -- "Durbin the Turban" -- and Rep. Rahm Emmanuel in a Chicagoland congressional race in 2006), and in the story mentioned her connection to then-Sen. Obama.
After the story ran, the paper ran a retraction and correction of their remarks about Obama's origins, restating Honolulu as his birthplace. That's because birth in Mombasa would make him a dual-citizenship person and therefore not a natural-born citizen of the United States, clouding his eligibility for the Presidency.
A couple of years later, Michelle, speaking extemporaneously, threw out the Mombasa meme again, embarrassing the First Agitator and whipping up the birthright controversy afresh.
So the operative question here is, IS Obama a Moslem? Or is he a Communist who runs around using the rumor that he is a Moslem observing deceptive taqiyya to fool the infidels, to cultivate and gull Moslems whom he wants to manipulate?
If Obama is anything other than a street agitator, it's a conspirator and manipulator. It's going to take arresting JugEars and renditioning him to a black site, to begin to peel the onion that he and his handlers have grown around him since his birth.