You said: “If Trump is such a giant conservative failure, why is he aligning himself with the most conservative candidate in Cruz? If Trump had more liberal leanings, you would think he would cozy up to Gov. Christie especially in an effort to solidify New York and New Jersey.”
Well IF it’s the case Trump is as you put it ‘a closet liberal pulling a giant con to get into the White House’ clearly he’s smart enough to recognize aligning himself with the Christie wing of the party(and spouting all the inherently required milquetoast establishment rhetoric) would likely have him in the single digits in the polls right now.
If he’s as smart as the consensus believes, I’m sure before he entered the race he sat down and plotted a strategy of how to win over the the republican electorate, complete with hammering hot button issues(immigration) that would set him apart from the crowd... at least rhetorically.
I understand the enthusiasm for an outsider who is saying many of the right things in a manner that’s refreshing in the context of the ubiquity of political correctness.
What I don’t understand is the willingness of some of his supporters who claim to be conservative to smear a guy like Ted Cruz and throw him under the bus in the process. Cruz being literally one of the only voices of opposition, in both word and deed, on a multitude of occasions and issues to Obama(and big government) over the course of his 2nd disaster term.
By the way I agree with you that Cruz is ‘the most conservative candidate’ running.
Not sure if I've read many comments where Cruz is thrown under the bus.
If anything, I've seen comments that depict Cruz as softer on issues than Trump like immigration. I think Trump would do more in that area.
I like Cruz, think he would be a great president, but I worry his appeal to the average person is soft.
I look at Trump as more of a patriot than a conservative if that makes sense. I'm sure you could see many similarities between a patriot and a conservative.