Agreed. You have to define the problem first. Then you craft the solution. Trump is very smart to attack each issue separately. If he started talking about the LEFT’s overall strategy to take down the US, he would sound too extreme. Trump is a real estate guy who understands the value of a good bulldozer:
Trump is very smart to attack each issue separately. If he started talking about the LEFTs overall strategy to take down the US, he would sound too extreme.
So well put! You identify Trump’s true brilliance. Take things step by step, exactly as the left does.
FIRST — let’s freeze the problem and figure it out (Trump says).
But of course we all know what the problem is (both islam and the lefts use of islam as a weapon against America).
He has just shifted the discussion off the leftist propaganda points and into the direction of reality.
And he has literally involved the entire world in the new discussion, which is so necessary.
Trump = leader.