Maybe, maybe not. Remember those in the administration that were doing business with the Nazi regime?
I know the history well. And the points you raise out off-base because you look at today, and you should see those doing business and defending the Muslims who aim to take America down.
The fact is there are always those of any age in any society in any country who are STUPID not to read the signs of the times.
And some of those STUPID people of history have included Jews.
The backlash against immigration in the 1920s and during FDR’s terms had nothing to do with whether people were Jews or not, whether there were people working with Nazis who were not yet fully known to be the monsters they turned out to be.
You should smarten up and realize statistically you’re not going to paint Americans with such a broad brush based on a few who were too STUPID to see the signs of the times.
If I were you I would tell the Rabbi or his minions to button it up because he or they are completely wrong to draw parallels between Nazis and Americans who want common sense security.