I’m coming to despise the rhetorical trick of making a statement in the form of a question, as seen so often in headlines these days.
Is Obama Really a Homosexual Muslim Traitor?
Is Joe Biden Naturally Stupid Or Is He The Result of a Lobotomy Gone Bad?
Can Hillary Win the White House If She’s a Lesbian?
Did Climate Change “Experts” Cook the Books to Create Panic?
Will Homosexual “Marriage” Destroy the Family?
Why not just have the guts to make a statement, rather than couching it as a question?
And yes, I appreciate the irony in my question ...
LOL! You certainly have a point! And, we are getting the business from both sides. I remain curious how the seed ever got planted, like this one:
” Are Trump and Cruz in a deal? “
Who started that one, outside of our own imagination?
Marketing tactic to create a sense of curiosity, or even validation.
Well, that and a need to confuse the LIVs.