If it’s ok for a business to file for bankruptcy, what’s wrong with me or anyone else doing it strategically? Home underwater? Bankrupt. And send another failed home shockwwave through the neighborhood. Oh and make sure you do it in a non-recourse state. Remember. sometimes it’s good.
You are not a business owner are you? Dusty is correct, sometimes taking the loss is better business practices. Furthermore, corporate restructuring is not the same as personal bankruptcy so your argument is based on a faulty premise.
Maybe just a little thing called the law? If you have a problem with the law, get it changed! Is this whole election boiling down to nothing more about either enforcing the existing laws or getting rid of the bad ones?
Its as simple as that. Get someone in who will upset the apple cart or live with the status quot. Other than Cruz or Trump, name anyone else running who has the balls to go into the belly of the beast and take on the status quot.