Why do ppl on our side persist in repeating Obama’s talking point? Putin is only there to save Assad. So what? Saving Assad involves destroying ISIS as well
That's the point, it's not.
To begin with, there was only a few thousand ISIS fighters in the Northern part of the country and most of those have filtered back into Iraq. The ISIS excuse that Putin used was bogus. he blew up a few check points, frankly not knowing who controlled them.
The US is also playing games with the ISIS threat, their only effective air strike just occurred the other day when they hit those tankers.
ISIS, whoever they are, is only the Islamic soup of the day. Even Al-Qaida hates their guts....but some independent groups can shift between the two because that's what these porkers do.
What is really at stake for Russia is that Assad stays in power. So it matters not who threatens Assad. Russia will take them out. Right now, ISIS in not much of a player in Syria..
As they move through Iraq, Iran will also exploit ISIS. They do this to justify their presence just as the Russians are doing in Syria. you learn from the experts in this case.
So ISIS is just a pawn in the game....
It's fun to watch, but it's likely to result in WWIII.2....WWIII.1 was the cold war.