This is a wakeup call to all of the european dhimmis, that despite all of their efforts, that appeasing the muslims will do no good, and that they will either have to convert, submit to slavery, or be killed. That is the way of islam.
People have been refusing to answer that courtesy call for decades. Now the droning just gets louder and louder about how such a peaceful religion is being subverted by a few radicals and oh yeah, it’s not the muslims’ fault that their countries have been invaded by the evil Westerners.
Pick up the danged phone already, people! Don’t wait until it gets worse.
Like American liberals, I would bet many liberal French type people are wondering what they did to make the jihadis mad at them. And what can they now do to appease the jihadis. And the answer is: short of converting to Islam...nothing. Nothing but complete conversion i.e. submission will appease the jihadis.