Be careful. This is BI, a known corner of oblique leftist garbage. Hold back from believing their twist on events until confirmed from a reputable source.
Yes, they’ve gone the way of IBD. Who, apparently, was successful in having an anti-Trump hit piece pulled from several weeks ago. I commented on it as soon as it hit. I tried to find it a few weeks ago and couldn’t. Maybe it came back.
The GOPe is pulling every dirty trick they can to hand this thing to Hillary. Because they know 5% Jebby has no chance.
I read the quote. Attributed correctly. I think it’s sourced from ABC “This Week”.
I have not seen the segment. But it would be stupid to fabricate a quote airing on national television. I rely on that for at least temporary veracity.
Besides, I wouldn’t mind the quote or mind the concept of ‘taking the gloves off’. Sometimes, your opponents simply need a good beating.
I hope he goes +5 just for that quote.
Yeah, for a name like Business Insider, they don’t write much about business.
^^ THIS ^^
Referring to the BLM protester Trump said “maybe he should be roughed up” on Fox and Friends this morning. There is a youtube video.