Ted has 2 major problems.
One is that he is trying to run out of the Senate. Using the Senate is a mistake in this year. Every time something happens he runs down and writes a bill that will either never make it to the floor or will be vetoed by Obama. Useless waste of time.
The other is that he has shown no ability to take out any competitors. Trump has cleared and damaged the field never touching Cruz. Cruz should unload on Rubio because Rubio is beginning to unload on him.
I totally agree with your analysis of Ted Cruz. I like Ted but he’s not going to be the nominee. Trump is and he will get more done in DC that Ted could. The republicans in leadership in the Senate hate TEd’s guts. They could care less about working with him.
Trump is a Yenta he will cajole, threaten, say pretty please whatever it takes to get them to go along with him.