As a resident of Maryland, a “may issue” state where one requirement is “has, based on the results of investigation, ‘good and substantial reason’ to carry a handgun, including a finding that the permit is ‘necessary as a reasonable precaution against apprehended danger’,” I will probably never carry legally.
“As a resident of Maryland, ...”
I used to live in the Freak State. I was at the Myrtle Grove range and talked to a cop there about getting a CCW permit. This is what he said:
1. You have to have already been shot (to show need).
2. You have to know who shot you (not a victim of “random” crime).
3. You have to know “someone” (as MD is a corrupt Dim stronghold, you have to have connections).
We moved to VA, and shortly after, I got my CHP. Easy Peasy