Damn, he just might convince me to make him my #1 choice instead of Cruz.
Who is Gerard Araud:
Gérard Araudï²Verified accountï
Compte personnel de l’Ambassadeur de France aux Etats-Unis / Personal account of the French ambassador to the U.S. / RTs are not endorsements.
ï± Washington D.C.
Thank you Mr. Trump. This madness HAS TO STOP.
As I see it, there is no way Americans should ever let this migration happen in the first place. If we do, we have it coming.
Good enough. I’m still a Cruziak, but I’ll vote Trump is he gets the nod.
Will this mass killing of French-Europeans by Muslims make bonehead Merkel stop her attack on Europa via importation of Islamic yoofs? We shall see.
Hopefully this leads to revolt against this despicable woman who grew up communist in East Germany. Nothing would please me more than to see this smug pos get a boot up her butt. This same commie pos who colluded with ZuckyBorg/facebook to remove all comments protesting Merkel’s immigration invasion
Yes! If I had any doubts about electing Trump, that statement wiped them out. Go Trump!
DT... Please, please, please send the Kenyans back, too!
Hurry up and get elected!
Just relocate them to Guantanamo which will no doubt be empty by the time elections roll around
I hear Alcatraz is also available
He’s got my vote. No one else has the guts to do this let alone say it. The Donald gives me hope that we Americans will reclaim our homeland.
Trump can’t be a liberal. No liberal would be caught dead saying he will deport illegals and refugees. No liberal would say he loves guns. He’s no Democrat traitor or establishment Republican p#ssy.
If you've received this ping, you're already on!
Clinton deported over 10 million, Obama will deport 3 million people, yet nobody calls them inhumane [Center for Immigration Studies]
Donald Trump: "If I Win, Syrian Refugees Are Going Back"
Trump unexpectedly cancels press availability
Trump: I'm Going to Have A Humane Deportation Force
Reuters/Ipsos Poll: Trump Surges Among Likely GOP Primary Voters ( 42% for Trump)
Trump to Speak at Sunshine Summit Live at 5:20 p.m. EDT Right Now
Drive-Bys Think Trump's Iowa "Tirade" Is the End -- Again [Limbaugh]
Trump or Cruz for me.
Gotta say it was a bad call for Trump to go after Carson the way he did. Trump is better than that but it did show he’s willing to jump into the gutter to fight if necessary. He’s definitely in it to win it but he needs to use a bit more discretion in order to look presidential IMHO.
He has built a deep well of good will by sticking with the immigration issue in all its forms. I’d hate to see him throw it all away by making people see him as petty and snide which pretty much how most of us see liberals.