Here is what amendment (Cruz 5) contained in Cruz own words. He had another amendment as well
Sen. Cruz Amendment to Immigration Legislation to Increase H-1B Visas
Cruz knew what would happen. It was ploy to expose the real reason for the bill.
The bill passed the Senate. Everyone knew this was an amnesty bill. And Cruz did not address the amnesty portion of the bill. Any legislation that allows the lawbreakers to stay and work here, the object of their crimes, is amnesty. Citizenship is just the cherry on top. Legalization will cost at least $6.3 trillion if there are only 12 million here.
Cruz In 2013 On Providing Legal Status To Illegal Immigrants
His amendment was never intended to pass, which is why some refer to it as a poison pill.
It caused distress in the Senate, ticked off McConnell and the bill eventually just died as the result of exposure in the House...
Now, you are seeing the payback, but that too will fail.
Cruz is not for amnesty under any of your definitions. While there was a lot of Republican support for (Border first) type legislation prior to 2013, Cruz was not among them at the time.
You make a big mistake assuming he’s a amnesty supporter like Rubio, and you really need to understand that you are being played by Trump as well. He actually attacked Romney in 2012 for being far too strict and harsh on this crap can go both ways.