Racial "justice"
Free tuition
A $15 minimum wage
The only common denominator in all of these is that they are the dim party platform.
This is not a spontaneous uprising. It is calculated to bring out the disinteresed minority and youth vote blocks that the dims were lamenting they are missing so far this election.
Since MTV is dying they don't have the "rock the vote" anymore. They are inciting "rock the campus" instead.
This is the OWS of 2016.
Conservatives shouldn’t be sitting back gloating that the leftist administrators are getting what they deserve — this type of behavior needs to be smashed.
Shut that college down.
Not worth having a tax-supported thug hood!
I have to think that at some point, these butt hurt little cry babies are going to get smacked in the face with reality. There is no racism, and there is no oppression. There is only their infantile stupidity, ignorance, and victimhood mentality, none of which are going to get them very far in life.
University presidents and chancellors should get a grip on their jobs and start throwing these bums
How about they drop the near worthless “students” from being enrolled at the school?
Time to stop government funding for these schools.
Expel the leaders for ever..... no more classes, no graduation, black list
It’s gonna have to be Kent State all over again.