Interesting how a lie from a Republican leads to his undoing, but Hillary and OIdiot (or any Democrat) can lie and lie and gain support. That Carson admits to this is bad (pathetic really), but lying should be equally damning to everyone!
What planet are we on? The only explanation that makes sense to me is that this is spiritual. There is no way I can believe that so many people can be blind to such blatant hypocrisy (regardless of who you support). Many, many people in this nation has been “given over” to their own evil desires (Romans I) so that they are literally blind to it (them). What else can it be? We are living in an insane asylum...seriously.
I want Trump because I want to clean house. Outsiders only. I want the Establishment (both sides) all gone. The political class has overstayed their welcome. The next platform I’d love to see Trump put forward is TERM LIMITS for Congress. I think that’d seal the deal. The only thing more unpopular than a turd in a swimming pool is Congress.
Someone has been posting a small poster on FB. It has Nixon saying he erased 18 minutes of a tape and was kicked out of office. The next one said, “I caused the death of 4 people and people want me as President.”